One Room Challenge Week 2 | Modern Cozy Sunroom | Dwell Aware

ORC Week 2

It was a whirlwind finishing Week 1 of the One Room Challenge! We worked on some areas that are foundational to making all of the future renovations flow in the sunroom!




The One Room Challenge is an amazing community that comes together to cheer each another on in the process of transforming one room. In the spring, I was in shock of the amazing level of enthusiasm and kindness shown throughout the reveal stage. I knew I had found “my people” for this type of fast paced and fun process!


I didn’t have a schedule together last week, but I have made a tentative schedule of the week by week plan with ORC! Here is my first ORC Youtube video which gives an overview of the progress we made this week.

1. Schedule

Week 1: 

  • Choosing tile from our wonderful collaboration with Fireclay Tile

  • Choosing lights from our awesome collaboration with Crystorama

  • Demoing the old built in cabinet

  • Tearing open the ceiling to move the wiring and remove sags in the poorly done drywall job

  • Wiring new spots for the pendant lights

  • Closing up the ceiling drywall

  • Purchasing materials for the faux beams and door archways

Week 2: Build Ceiling Beams and Door Arches

Week 3: Painting Ceiling & Walls, Refinishing the Window Shelf

Week 4: Repainting the Window Frames and adding Trim, DIY Shelves, Re-cementing the Retainer Wall

Week 5: Tiling and DIY Furniture Items

Week 6: Closing up all the loose ends!

2. Harder Parts of Week 1

  • Poorly Installed Drywall: whoever built the room did a very poor job of installing it. The drywall was not meeting at the stud, so the sagging was not from the leak, but from the fact that it had no support. We had to cut drywall out for electrical work, so I built a supporting beam and it has helped so much with the sag.

Sunroom workspace
  • Figuring out Beam Placement: the windows are all different lengths apart. The beams only really make sense with the slanted ceiling flowing from the kitchen side to the back windows, so figuring the placement out has been some work. I am still worried it will not look as good as I am hoping it will, because the beams will not be exactly centered on each window. But I just keep repeating to myself “Contentment over perfection!”

Test Beam
  • Figuring out the pendant lighting was also a challenge. We did not have the lights in hand, but did not want to hold the wiring process up. I taped up pieces of paper the size of the pendants and it helped my eyes so much to see it IRL!

3. Fun Parts of Week 1

  • Choosing the tile was so much fun! It is going to make such a high impact on the space and Fireclay’s Desert Collection is literally Life. So gorgeous. I cannot wait to share more with y’all on the tile that is being handmade by them right now!


Fire Clay Tile Samples



  • Demoing the old sunroom cabinet was so Empowering! And being able to see more of the brick exposed was just so much fun!

  • Settling on the beam and lighting placement was so relieving. I am excited to see it all come together!

Thanks for coming along for the journey, and be sure to check out all the other amazing first weeks from the other participants!

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0 thoughts on “One Room Challenge Week 2 | Modern Cozy Sunroom | Dwell Aware”

    1. Thank you Melanie!! It’s been quite the journey but it’s finally coming together! I love the desk you built!!

    1. Thank you Libbie! I can’t believe that I am so close to actually putting the lights up. We are in the final stretch!

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